Saturday, August 2, 2014

Jupiter Altar Update Part 2

So I've had quite a bit of success with my Jupiter altar this past month. As I said in when I first announced this endeavour I mentioned that my goal was to double or at least substantially increase my monthly revenue from my store for each month.

I have been doing weekly work each Thursday using the draw money, steady work and viral marketing glyphs in conjunction with certain Jupiter calls namely Mercury, Venus, Sol and Jupiter of Jupiter. I include offerings of whiskey and incense to help sweeten up Jupiter and receive his blessings.

In the first 10 days of the month I hit my monthly target ($200) and within 20 days I was $137 over my monthly target and by the end of the month I had tripled my monthly income. In addition to tripling my monthly income, I received two offers to have my business promoted by outside sources.

As for the spell I performed on my altar to help someone receive a home loan they were accepted despite having bad credit and other issues that could have prevented having their loan approved. I'll be sharing the spell on my blog in the future for those who would like to try it themselves.

Jupiter has definitely came through but also given much to think about. Growth and expansion are great but they definitely have consequences. As prosperity grows so does the stress and concerns that come with managing it and time seems to be the only thing that does not seem to grow. While I'm honestly grateful for all the recent prosperity I'm even more thankful for the insights provided that allowed me to see the reality of what I've been working to achieve.

Until next time

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